Having scalp cooling

Self-application of scalp cooling

Scalp cooling is a process intended to help reduce hair loss from chemotherapy.

If you have scalp cooling, you will wear a cap on top of your head during your chemotherapy treatment. It is often called a cold cap.

We can teach you to apply the cold cap yourself. This can help you to:

  • feel fully part of the scalp cooling process
  • have control over an aspect of your care

Learning to apply the cold cap yourself

When you come for your cycles of chemotherapy treatment, we carefully explain how to apply the cold cap. We show you how to put on the cold cap using either:

It is a good idea to watch the online video tutorials before your treatment appointment to become familiar with them.

What to bring if you have scalp cooling

Here are some tips if you have scalp cooling:


  • bring a thin headband to protect your forehead against the cold cap
  • bring your usual painkillers, such as paracetamol, to make the process more comfortable


  • do not take the paracetamol or other painkillers until your nurse tells you

We give you:

  • blankets
  • towels
  • water spray bottles
  • hair conditioner

It is fine to bring your own supplies of these items, if you prefer.

What you need to do

Before applying the cold cap, the first steps are to:

  • wet your hair
  • put on conditioner

The conditioner makes it easier to remove the cold cap after your chemotherapy treatment.

If you have Afro-Carribbean hair, you will need to remove any weaves, braids or extensions first. These can put extra strain on the hair follicles. 

Your chemotherapy nurse can give you guidance on preparing your individual hair type for scalp cooling. We also have strong links with Cancer Hair Care, which runs a pop-up shop every Thursday outside our Chemotherapy Village.

Next, you can put on a headband to protect your forehead during the scalp cooling process (this is optional). Lastly, you need to fit the cold cap.

We have set up styling stations where you can sit in the Chemotherapy Village. These are areas with a mirror, table, chairs and all the scalp cooling equipment needed.

When you have applied the cold cap at the styling station, you go to your chair where you have the chemotherapy treatment. The scalp cooling machines are set up near where you sit. 

A health professional connects your cold cap to the machine for you. They also show you how to do this. In future, you can then connect and disconnect the cold cap from the machine as needed.

Health professionals are there to support you while you prepare for scalp cooling and throughout the process. They can guide you, if needed, and answer any questions that you may have.

How long you need to wear the cold cap

You need to wear the cold cap:

  • for 30 to 45 minutes before your chemotherapy session
  • during the chemotherapy session
  • for 20 to 90 minutes afterwards, depending on the chemotherapy medicine

If you decide not to continue doing scalp cooling yourself

If you decide not to continue applying and connecting the cold cap yourself, this will not cause any problems. Your nurse or other health professionals can do this for you. Please tell them how you feel and they can talk to you about this.

Resource number: 5492/VER1
Last reviewed: August 2024
Next review due: August 2027

A list of sources is available on request.

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