St Thomas' Hospital
Address: Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH
Phone: 020 7188 7188
- Travel information, finding your way around and accessibility
- Shops, cafes and other facilities
- Nursery
- Accommodation
Before your visit
Please check which hospital or health centre you need to go to.
Our hospitals are big and it can take a while to get to where you're supposed to be. Give yourself plenty of time to find your way to your appointment.
How to find us

Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Contact us
Phone: 020 7188 7188

How to find us
St Thomas' Hospital on Google Maps

Travelling from within London?
Transport for London journey planner
Safety at bus stops near the hospital
There are cycle lanes and bus stop bypasses on Westminster Bridge Road and Lambeth Palace Road.
Please take care when crossing the cycle lanes outside St Thomas' Hospital.
Cyclists are reminded to take care and be aware of pedestrians when cycling past the bus stops.
St Thomas' Hospital is located in the Congestion Charging zone and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).
Parking is very limited at the hospital and there's often a queue. Please use public transport whenever possible.
Our car park is open 24 hours a day and costs £3.50 per hour.
There's more information on the parking at St Thomas' Hospital page.
There's cycle parking facilities covered by CCTV.
Bicycle racks are located:
- between the river and the main entrance (140 spaces)
- between the main entrance and Lambeth Wing entrance (40 spaces)
- alongside Gassiot House on the ground floor (20 spaces)
The phone for calling taxis is on the lower ground floor of Lambeth Wing.
It's mounted on the wall outside of the patient transport department.
Help with travel
You may be able to use our transport service or get help with the cost of transport.

To help you find your way around, we have:
- large maps at our building entrances
- directories in lift lobbies, giving alphabetical lists of wards and outpatient clinics
- colour-coded building wings
If you get lost or are unsure, please do ask a member of our staff.
To help you get to your appointment quickly and easily download our simple guide to finding your way.
This is a simple guide with maps that's also available to pick up from:
- the main reception desk
We advise you to:
- please bring your appointment letter with you. It will give you directions to a particular hospital site, hospital wing, lift (or stair) lobby and floor number
- when you arrive at the right wing, you should head for the lift or stairs, these will be clearly labelled, to reach the floor shown in your appointment letter
- when you get to the right floor, you will see signs that will guide you to the right department.
If you are sent to another wing for tests or treatment, it's always best to go back to the ground floor to find your way there.
Ground floor, near the main entrance.
These toilets have additional space and equipment for people with disabilities.
There's a height adjustable changing bench and hoist.
Signers can be arranged to help during your visit.
Please use the number on your appointment letter to let us know what help you need or contact us by:
- email: languagesupport@gstt.nhs.uk
Please give as much notice as possible.
Induction loops are available in the main reception.
Guide dogs may accompany you during your visit. Please call the number on your appointment letter to give your clinic staff as much notice as possible so they can accommodate this.
Use the St Thomas' Hospital AccessAble guides for accessibility information.
You can wear one of our sunflower lanyards if you have a hidden disability and want to let us know you might need some extra help. They're available at the main reception.
Find out more on the sunflower lanyards page.
Your care at St Thomas' Hospital
The emergency (A&E) department is for serious conditions needing immediate treatment.
It's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
If you have a procedure, treatment or surgery, you'll stay on one of our wards.
Cafes and restaurants
M&S cafe
Main entrance.
Costa Coffee
Main entrance. Open 24 hours a day.
Toms@Riverside cafe
Ground floor, North Wing.
Toms@Shepherd Hall restaurant
Ground floor, South Wing.
M&S Simply Food
Main entrance
Main entrance. Includes Post Office counter.
Stock Shop
Women's clothes and essentials.
Other facilities
Creative Hairdressing salon
Phone 020 7188 2814 for an appointment
Free WiFI
Search for NHS WiFi network on your device.
St Thomas' Chapel
1st floor, South Wing. Open 7am to 10pm, Monday to Friday.
Multi-faith prayer room
Ground floor, South Wing.
Information about the cinema at St Thomas' Hospital
Cash machine
Near main reception.
Mini museum
Central Hall, South Wing. Collection of historical items.
St Thomas' Hospital nursery
Contact us
Phone: 020 7188 6449
Email: nurseryenquiries@gstt.nhs.uk
Address: St Thomas' day nursery, Gassiot House, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 7am to 7pm (closed bank holidays)
Our nursery provides day care and education for children aged between 3 months and 5 years. We accept children from:
- parent's working for Guy’s and St Thomas’ Trust
- other NHS employees
- families who live or work locally
We provide full time, part time and emergency childcare places. Please contact the nursery for availability.
Ofsted rated St Thomas' day nursery as good at their last inspection in December 2022.
We follow the early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework. This sets the standards that we must meet for:
- learning and development
- assessment
- safeguarding and welfare
We make sure we are supporting:
- children's learning and development
- children's health
- children's safety
- parents
We also have a nursery at Harefield Hospital.
The accommodation department manages a range of accommodation for you and your visitors.
The team treating you can refer you to stay at Simon Patient Lodge at St Thomas' Hospital. This is usually for people before or after a surgery or procedure when they do not need to stay on one of our wards.
Gassiot House Lodge at St Thomas' provide rooms which can be booked on a nightly basis by:
• pre/post appointment patients
• relatives, carers and visitors
The rooms are designed to provide a non-clinical, safe and relaxing environment close to our hospital buildings.
Rooms are available to be booked on a nightly basis. They cost £75 per night for a single room and £90 per night for a twin room.
Contacting the accommodation team
- Phone: 020 7188 0276
- Email: stthomasaccommodation@gstt.nhs.uk
We're open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Address: St Thomas' team, Gassiot House accommodation office, ground floor, Gassiot House, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH