How to find us


Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7EH

Contact us

Phone: 020 7188 7188

How to find us

St Thomas' Hospital on Google Maps

Travelling from within London?

Transport for London journey planner

Travel information


St Thomas' Hospital is located in the Congestion Charging zone and the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).

Parking is very limited at the hospital and there's often a queue. Please use public transport whenever possible.

Our car park is open 24 hours a day and costs £3.50 per hour.

There's more information on the parking at St Thomas' Hospital page.


There's cycle parking facilities covered by CCTV.

Bicycle racks are located:

  • between the river and the main entrance (140 spaces)
  • between the main entrance and Lambeth Wing entrance (40 spaces)
  • alongside Gassiot House on the ground floor (20 spaces)


The phone for calling taxis is on the lower ground floor of Lambeth Wing.

It's mounted on the wall outside of the patient transport department.

Help with travel

You may be able to use our transport service or get help with the cost of transport.

At St Thomas' Hospital

A receptionist smiling

To help you find your way around, we have:

  • large maps at our building entrances
  • directories in lift lobbies, giving alphabetical lists of wards and outpatient clinics
  • colour-coded building wings

If you get lost or are unsure, please do ask a member of our staff.


Your care at St Thomas' Hospital

St Thomas' Hospital nursery


The accommodation department manages a range of accommodation for you and your visitors.

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