Guy's Cancer
We provide care and support for people with cancer at our state-of-the art Cancer Centre.

Your cancer care
We're one of the leading centres in the country for cancer treatment and research.
Most of our care takes place in the purpose-built Cancer Centre at Guy's.
We offer personalised treatment and a range of extra support, information, advice and rehabilitation.
Where to go for a blood testContact us
- Guy's Cancer outpatient appointments: 020 7188 4242
- Guy's Cancer at Queen Mary's Hospital: 020 7188 0770
- Dermatology cancer appointments: 020 7188 8884
- Surgical oncology: contact service by cancer type
- Patient transport: 020 7188 2888
- Chemotherapy appointments: 020 7188 6452
- Radiotherapy appointments: 020 7188 3160
- Haematology day unit: 020 7188 2743
- Dimbleby Cancer Care: 020 7188 5918
- PALS: 020 7188 8801
General enquiries email:
Clinical advice
Nurse specialist helpline: 020 7188 5973, for non-urgent advice about your treatment or side effects
Acute oncology service (AOS): 020 7188 3754, for assessment and advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Our locations
Please check your letter, email or texts for the location of your next appointment. If you are unsure, please contact us.
Cancer Centre at Guy's
Most of our services are under one roof in the Cancer Centre at Guy's.
Other locations
You may also have some appointments at:

Our active research programme and strong academic links allow us to offer pioneering treatments.
If you would like to find out more, please talk to your consultant or email our trials team at

Support Guy's Cancer
Every donation to Guy's Cancer Charity will go towards projects that improve the diagnosis, treatment and care for our patients.